4 Ways Your Mattress Affects Your Health

Posted May 20th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands and tagged , by coreyconsulting

When it comes to a mattress, short-cutting on price is never a good idea. The right mattress can have an enormous, yet positive impact on your health, sleep quality, and overall quality of life. Poor sleep can decrease productivity during the working day and weaken the body, making it difficult to get through a long list of to-dos.

The right mattress promotes restful sleep and decreases the side effects associated with stress and anxiety. An uncomfortable mattress can build up tension in the body, and a continuation of poor sleep will ultimately skyrocket levels of stress and anxiety, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. With these risen levels comes an inability to fall asleep and stay asleep, putting your body and mind through a vicious cycle. This can be prevented with a mattress that allows you to sleep well.

Misalignment of joints and muscles is common in mattresses that are worn out and provide little support. Over time, you continually wake up feeling sore and can have achy joints, along with back, hip, and neck pain. A high-quality mattress from a mattress collection at Brickell Mattress can provide your body the support it needs and allows for a healthy sleep posture. These mattresses should distribute your weight evenly to reduce stress impact on the joint and provide back support.

Old mattresses are often the source of allergies. Over time, the mattress becomes dirty and need to be replaced. When they are not, they can lead to acne, dry skin, congestion, sneezing, and runny noses. If you have sensitive skin, chronic allergies, or asthma, this can prove to be especially problematic.

Have chronic back pain? Your mattress may be to blame. Improper support contributes to dull aches and pains and can distort your spinal alignment. This can lead to interrupted and uncomfortable sleep, causing a lack of sleep and many other issues.

Having a high-quality mattress will help you have a better night’s sleep and overall better health. Invest in the right mattress for your home and lifestyle with Brickell Mattress. We have a wide selection of top-of-the-line mattresses like Hastens and Vi-Spring, Carpe Diem, and other top mattress brands.

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