The Difference Between Chronic Insomnia and a Bad Night of Sleep

Posted June 14th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Mattress Brands, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

At some point, everyone will have trouble sleeping from time to time. Major stress, a poor sleeping environment, and illness can be to blame, but there are some who suffer from chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia refers to the long-term pattern of having trouble sleeping, and someone with it has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep three nights per week for at least three months.

It is estimated that 24% of Americans experience acute insomnia (occasional trouble falling asleep or only a few nights of poor sleep) every year and that 35% of those individuals will develop chronic insomnia. Insomnia can occur for many reasons, like illness and physiological issues like anxiety and depression. Some people’s genetics may play a role in the likelihood of developing insomnia too.

If ignored, it can have long-term effects like mood and memory issues. While chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders should be evaluated by a doctor, the occasional night of restlessness is easier to treat. If you have noticed your restlessness has increased, consider your sleeping environment. Is your mattress providing back support?

If not, it may be time to invest in one of the top mattress brands. Having a bed you can comfortably fall asleep on may be one of the most useful components in fighting off the occasional night of poor sleep. When you lay down each night, you should be able to successfully drift off into sleep, not lay awake for hours trying to get comfortable.

Each person has their own mattress preferences, which is why having options open to you from a mattress collection is important. Stop by Brickell Mattress in Miami. You can see a variety of mattresses, mattresses toppers, and pillows, evaluating each and ensuring they meet your needs.

4 Ways Your Mattress Affects Your Health

Posted May 20th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

When it comes to a mattress, short-cutting on price is never a good idea. The right mattress can have an enormous, yet positive impact on your health, sleep quality, and overall quality of life. Poor sleep can decrease productivity during the working day and weaken the body, making it difficult to get through a long list of to-dos.

The right mattress promotes restful sleep and decreases the side effects associated with stress and anxiety. An uncomfortable mattress can build up tension in the body, and a continuation of poor sleep will ultimately skyrocket levels of stress and anxiety, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. With these risen levels comes an inability to fall asleep and stay asleep, putting your body and mind through a vicious cycle. This can be prevented with a mattress that allows you to sleep well.

Misalignment of joints and muscles is common in mattresses that are worn out and provide little support. Over time, you continually wake up feeling sore and can have achy joints, along with back, hip, and neck pain. A high-quality mattress from a mattress collection at Brickell Mattress can provide your body the support it needs and allows for a healthy sleep posture. These mattresses should distribute your weight evenly to reduce stress impact on the joint and provide back support.

Old mattresses are often the source of allergies. Over time, the mattress becomes dirty and need to be replaced. When they are not, they can lead to acne, dry skin, congestion, sneezing, and runny noses. If you have sensitive skin, chronic allergies, or asthma, this can prove to be especially problematic.

Have chronic back pain? Your mattress may be to blame. Improper support contributes to dull aches and pains and can distort your spinal alignment. This can lead to interrupted and uncomfortable sleep, causing a lack of sleep and many other issues.

Having a high-quality mattress will help you have a better night’s sleep and overall better health. Invest in the right mattress for your home and lifestyle with Brickell Mattress. We have a wide selection of top-of-the-line mattresses like Hastens and Vi-Spring, Carpe Diem, and other top mattress brands.

Entrepreneur Singles Out Hästens

Posted March 22nd, 2021 in Hastens, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

Entrepreneurs are some of the hardest working individuals in the world, attending meetings, making new connections, spearheading new ideas, and constantly seeking to fulfill an insatiable thirst for success. As incredibly busy individuals, many of them barely have enough time of the day, let alone to get a good night’s sleep.

Most of us know that at least seven hours of genuinely restful sleep each night is essential for a healthy body and mind. Failing to get enough sleep will result in sleep deprivation which, beyond negatively affecting the body, may also affect an entrepreneur’s ability to make the most clear-headed decisions regarding their business success.

With this in mind, the website Entrepreneur took a look at eight of the best mattresses for entrepreneurs that may be dealing with sleep deprivation and we’re excited to tell you that one of the names mentioned was none other than Swedish bed maker Hästens!

Specifically, the Hästens Herlewing was deemed the “Best Luxury Mattress”. The Hästens Herlewing elevates sleep performance with multiple interacting spring systems and several hand-wrapped layers of quality all-natural material, all made by hand by highly skilled artisans.

The advanced spring mechanism in the Hästens Herlewing is based on the same cutting-edge architecture as other high-end mattresses like the 2000T. The hand-fitted springs adjust to pressure in different ways, ensuring maximum comfort in virtually any position and no matter how many times a person moves. Two people can sleep in the Herlewing with one person remaining unaffected by the movements of the other.

Contact us for any questions about top mattress brands or our mattress collection.

Well-Known Celebrity Chooses Hästens

Posted March 22nd, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Luxury Beds, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

When it comes to prioritizing sleep, celebrities are known to splurge. Case in point: rapper, songwriter, actor, and entrepreneur Drake made the news not too long ago when he became one of the first to purchase the Hästens Grand Vividus.

However, he is far from being the only well-known name to choose the ultra-comfort of the Hästens name and its all-natural, handmade beds.

Glamour magazine recently placed the spotlight on the multi-talented actress, singer, comedian, writer, and producer Rebel Wilson, perhaps best known to American audiences for her role as Fat Amy in the Pitch Perfect film series. The article focused on Wilson’s choices of products to help her relax and sleep at night, stating that she has to sleep for at least eight hours each night or else she “literally can’t function”. Getting eight hours has proven to be a challenge in her line of work as she is frequently traveling to different time zones, including her native Australia.

While Wilson mentions a list of products in the article, what’s most notable is her admittance that she sleeps on a Hästens mattress, which she calls the “bougie-est purchase” in her home. However, she emphasizes the importance of sleep. While she doesn’t specify which mattress, each Hästens bed provides worlds of comfort regardless of which model is chosen.

Remember that you don’t have to be a celebrity to prioritize a better night’s sleep. We carry the world’s top mattresses brands and our mattress collection includes names like Hästens, Vispring, and more.

Are You Guilty of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

Posted February 16th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

Are you familiar with “revenge bedtime procrastination”? It may sound amusing but it’s something many of us have probably been guilty of doing. Chances are you’ve settled down for bed only to find yourself scrolling on your smartphone versus getting some actual shuteye. For some, they may see this as the window to recover personal time lost during the day.

Staying up late and throwing your sleep patterns into disarray isn’t something new, but it’s become significantly worse since the pandemic. As more people work from home, the separation between work and personal time may begin to blend into each other, which makes it that much harder to peel yourself away from the phone. Being sleep-deprived will result in gaining weight, greater odds of depression, anxiety, and reduced mental performance.

So, what can you do to curb the habit and prevent revenge bedtime procrastination? If it’s not feasible to leave your phone in another room, consider turning on the Do Not Disturb mode. Better yet, try to focus some more time for yourself earlier in the day to reduce the odds of using up your sleep time to look through your phone.

Lastly, don’t forget to ensure that the bed you’re sleeping on is one that supports you.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: Hästens Since 1852, CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN, and more. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami, or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

More Hotels Are Choosing Hästens

Posted January 20th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

More and more hotels are choosing to upgrade the sleep experience for their guests by opting for Hästens beds. From “The Big Apple” New York right here in the United States to Italy, Norway, and more, the next you book a high-end hotel stay, you may find yourself sleeping on Hästens.

For example, in Trondheim, Norway, Britannia chose to renovate each of its 250+ rooms with a Hästens bed and others have followed suit, like Andermatt’s The Chedi. Coincidentally, The Chedi was also named the best Holiday Hotel recently.

Italy’s Villa La Madonna and the recent CBR Boutique in Portugal have also gone ahead and placed Hästens beds in their rooms. Speaking of distinctions, the Niekhu Mountain Villa received UNESCO’s prestigious award for the world’s best hotel interior and all fourteen of its double rooms feature beds by Hästens.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: Hästens Since 1852, CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN, and more. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami, or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

The Possible Ties Between COVID-19 and Sleep

Posted December 22nd, 2020 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Sleep, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

Melatonin is best known as the sleep hormone, and its most familiar role is the regulation of our circadian rhythms. Each night, as darkness falls, it shoots out of our brain’s pineal glands and into our blood, inducing sleep. However, some research suggests that it may also help in immune system calibration. This means it can keep the immune system’s defenses from overreacting which is often a reason why a mild case of something like COVID-19 becomes a much more serious issue.

According to an article in The Atlantic, eight clinical trials are currently ongoing, around the world, to see what melatonin is capable of. Few other treatments are receiving so much research attention. If melatonin proves to help people, it would be the cheapest and most readily accessible medicine to counter COVID-19. Unlike experimental drugs such as remdesivir and antibody cocktails, melatonin is widely available in the United States as an over-the-counter dietary supplement. People could start taking it immediately.

Deep sleep is essential to the production of melatonin. If you’re tossing and turning, you’re not getting the best sleep. Visit Brickell Mattress and let’s talk about upgrading and improving your sleep in 2021.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: Hästens Since 1852, CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN, and more. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami, or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

Discover Hästens This Black Friday

Posted November 24th, 2020 in Hästens mattress, Hästens mattresses, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? Why not consider making 2021 the year where you make a better night’s sleep a priority? Considering how sleep quality affects virtually all aspects of your overall health, waking up feeling genuinely rested is a gift for the body and mind.

To help you do that, we want to show you more about why Hästens beds continue to provide some of the best sleep experiences in the world. During the Hästens Black Friday sale, we encourage you to find out more about why these carefully handmade beds have earned such acclaim. We believe that once you’ve rested on one of these beds, you’ll quickly understand why they are used in hotels, cruise ships, and by people who want a better night’s sleep.

We have something special this holiday season and its name is Hästens. Learn more today.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: Hästens Since 1852, CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN, and more. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami, or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

Vispring Mentioned in Departures Magazine

Posted October 29th, 2020 in mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

The American quarterly lifestyle magazine Departures is an exclusive perk American Express Platinum charge card members receive at no additional cost. The autumn issue of the magazine was recently released and it features an ad for Vispring, one of the world’s most acclaimed and upscale bed manufacturers.

Vispring beds use only all-natural materials such as cashmere, silk, wool, and horsehair to create supremely comfortable sleep experiences. Its beds are used by royalty and the bed maker is also the first to make use of individual pocketed spring coils better known today as the Marshall coil. If you wish to sleep like royalty and wake up feeling genuinely rested, Vispring beds are a fine choice with a rich history of excellence dating back to 1901 when it was founded.

Contact or visit Brickell Mattress today and learn more about our complimentary gift for Departures clients.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: Hästens Since 1852, CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN, and more. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami, or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

Sleeping in on Weekends Isn’t Relieving Sleep Debt

Posted July 1st, 2020 in mattress collection, Sleep, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

Are you one of those people that only get about six hours of sleep on weekdays but then attempt to “make up” for it by sleeping in on weekends? If so, there is some bad news to report. French researchers say catching up on sleep during the weekend does not work. The research involved over 10,000 participants deemed “short sleepers” who only slept six hours a night or less. That is considerably less than the recommended seven to eight hours most people need to feel well-rested.

Some of the causes behind the large accumulation of sleep debt include working night shifts, long commutes, and being too attached to technology like smartphones. Should sleep debt continue to increase, the risk of developing health issues like depression, obesity, and even heart disease or diabetes may increase.

If you’re curious about ways to relieve your sleep debt, one thing to look at is the mattress you’re sleeping on. Even if you’re going to bed at a normal time each night, a mattress that isn’t supportive will result in tossing and turning, contributing to poor sleep. If possible, try and get into the habit of going to bed when you feel tired and waking when rested for at least two weeks to take care of your sleep debt.

To read more, visit

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattresses brands: VISPRING Luxury Beds and mattresses, Hästens Since 1852, and CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.