However there is never enough time in our day to get everything done. We constantly work and try pleasing our loved ones and in doing so we sacrifice what’s most important which is our sleep.If we don’t get enough rest it affects us mentally and physically. Our brain doesn’t just shut off but our whole body works hard the whole night as you sleep.
Sleep is vital because it helps you function the entire day to your best capacity. It helps you think clearly, think faster, and be more attentive. It obviously helps you work more efficiently when you sleep the regular eight hours that you should be sleeping then when you sleep a couple of hours a each day.
Loss of sleep actually hurts your problem solving abilities and attention to detail. Your less productive at work or anything you do for that matter and your more prone to getting into an accident. The loss of sleep even interferes with the way you act around people and more susceptible to getting sick and depressed. Sleep can even affect our hormones, immune system, and cardiovascular health. If you don’t rest there are many diseases that may present themselves in the near future; for instance diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and much more.
A good night’s rest would be rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which is considered a deep sleep and when you dream the most. Babies usually sleep about 16 hours, children 10 hours, teenagers about 9 hours, and adults 8 hours
However there are also many causes to sleeping less; like electronics, caffeine, medication and as you get older you may sleep less because of the amount of medication you take. There are different medicines that your doctor may prescribe to help you sleep better and different relaxation techniques as well. A goods night rest is essential every night to help you be the best version of yourself each day.
This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattress brands: VISPRING Luxury Beds and mattresses, Hästens Since 1852 and CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on Hästens mattresses or other brands.