How a Better Mattress May be Able to Help With Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Posted October 7th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Mattress Brands, Top Mattress Brands and tagged , by coreyconsulting

If you find yourself climbing into bed, ready to get a full night of rest, only to end up turning on Netflix and spending hours binge-watching your favorite shows more often than not, it may not be insomnia. Revenge bedtime procrastination is a sleep disorder that impacts many and is classified as putting off sleeping when it is time to go to bed.


Originally a term coined in the Netherlands in the late 2010s and popularized by the Chinese internet in 2016, this phenomenon occurs when people feel that they do not have much control over their daily lives and subsequently refuse to go to sleep on time to gain a sense of freedom.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, a larger number of people reported experiencing revenge bedtime procrastination since many felt the increased need for “me time.” Lines between work, life, extracurricular, and family have increasingly become blurred, causing people to need some kind of buffer.


Though we expect to fall asleep the moment we climb into bed, that is not the case. Falling asleep is a process, and one of the top mattress brands may be able to help. When we lack back support and comfort in our bed, it will be more difficult to fall asleep. A comfortable bed from a mattress collection can help you ease into the process of falling asleep. You may even start to look forward to going to sleep, rather than resenting it, when you have a great bed. With a luxury bed, you will have something to look forward to in the day that will simultaneously help you sleep better.

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