The Health Benefits of Napping

Posted September 28th, 2021 in Hastens, Hästens mattress, Hästens mattresses by coreyconsulting

Is there anyone who does not enjoy a good nap? Now you have a good excuse to spend your Sunday afternoons dozing off instead of doing much-need housework – it can provide you with several health benefits. Daytime naps may help those with sleep disorders but can still make a difference for those without.

A short nap can help with sleepiness in the day and help you be more productive by providing you a much-needed boost of energy. Naps speed up alertness, increase reaction time, and help your cognitive functions perform to the best of their ability. Along with it – an increased memory. Multiple studies have found that nappers outperform those who do not nap in remembering new information. Naps can also boost your mood, which is perfect for a midday break from work.

If you can, try taking a daytime nap break from work (best done on one of the Hastens mattresses!)

Naps do not need to be long either – short naps on a horsetail hair mattress are actually better to reap in the health benefits of a good nap. Try a 15 to 30-minute nap. They will leave you feeling refreshed but will keep you from transitioning into a deeper sleep and waking up feeling more exhausted. In fact, long naps can cause issues – sleep inertia and insomnia.

Sleep inertia will have you feeling very groggy and most likely worse off than before your nap. With insomnia, too much daytime sleep can make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, ultimately disrupting your entire sleep cycle.

Next time you have the urge to doze off, maybe try a quick nap for the kick of energy you need.

Exercise Could Reduce Your Risk of Sleep Apnea

Posted August 30th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Top Mattress Brands, Vi-Spring, ViSpring Coronet by coreyconsulting

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that blocks the upper airway when sleeping, caused by a temporary relaxation of the throat muscles. Symptoms include snoring, headaches, high blood pressure, and daytime sleepiness. It is estimated that 10-20% of adults in the United States are affected, which is quite an issue since OSA can significantly increase the risk of severe health problems like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Excessive weight, age, chronic nasal congestion, smoking, and asthma are common causes of OSA, but new research shows that there may be a way to lower your risk.


Exercise, along with a quality mattress like the Vispring Coronet mattresses, can provide people with healthier sleep. That is because physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Maintaining an active lifestyle and staying clear of too much sedentary behavior (like watching TV or sitting too long at your desk) are associated with a lower risk of OSA. This may be linked because the reduction of risk exercise can create for other severe conditions like heart disease and diabetes.


Along with exercise, a luxury mattress can help you sleep better. If you need a new bed, check out our Labor Day Sales Event. From now until September 20, you can receive a free Heaven Topper with the purchase of a Vispring Luxe Collection mattress. The Heaven toppers, available in three versions, are a great sleeping companion with Vispring mattresses. Filled with British fleece wool and soft needled wool, these toppers provide a comfortable sleeping experience you will feel throughout the day. Sleep better with a Vispring.


For full terms and conditions, please visit us in-store.

Physical Activity May Help With Poor Sleep

Posted August 17th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Top Mattress Brands, Uncategorized, ViSpring mattresses by coreyconsulting

Many factors could cause you to have a poor night of rest, and a lack of physical activity may be one of them. A study done by WebMD showed that in a group of middle-aged adults in the United States (the study investigated nearly 400,000) done over eleven years showed that those with poor sleep and low levels of physical activity had a 57% greater risk for all-cause mortality, a 67% greater chance for cardiovascular disease, a 45% increase in the chance for death from cancer, and a 91% greater risk for death from lung cancer when compared to those who had a good sleep and physical activity.


That is not to say that every person with poor sleeping habits will experience these same results, but it does show that sleep is one of the most crucial forms of care we can give to our bodies. That, coupled with the recommended amount of exercise/physical activity, allows our bodies to be healthy and fight off illness. Physical activity and sleep quality independently impact an individual’s health outcomes, but they influence health conditions in a related manner.


Physical activity keeps our bodies in prime shape, allowing the organs and systems in them to work as best as they can. This helps fight off infection, illness, and chronic diseases down the road. Quality sleep ensures that your body is resting up as it should, so it has the energy to get physical activity and keep itself working all day and night correctly.


It’s easy to incorporate physical activity into your daily life – start by going on a brisk walk every day, then take it up a notch by adding in your favorite activity a few times a week, like cycling or jogging. To get better sleep, make sure your sleep environment provides you the opportunity for a good rest. That includes what kind of mattress you have. A horsehair mattress such as Hästens or Vispring mattress can help you achieve your sleep goals and leave you feeling more rested in the morning.

Free Mattress Toppers from Vispring

Posted August 11th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

From August 23, 2021, to September 20, 2021, enjoy a free Heaven Topper with the purchase of a mattress from the Vispring Luxe Collection. This value can apply to upgrade to luxury and supreme toppers. Mattress sizes that qualify are queens or larger, or the purchase of two twin extra-large beds. Qualifying Luxe Mattresses and sets include Tiara, Sublime, Signatory, Masterpiece, and Diamond Majesty. Mattress toppers cannot ship earlier than the mattress, therefore they will ship with the mattress order. To qualify, purchases must be made no later than closing time on September 20, 2021. For full terms and conditions, please visit us in-store. 


One of the top mattress brands across the world brings you the ultimate mattress collection with the Luxe Collection. Made for unlimited luxury, the weightlessly comfortable mattress is handmade by expert bed makers and can help fight symptoms from insomnia and other sleep disorders by providing back support throughout the night. 


Beds are made from cashmere, Tussah silk, horsehair, alpaca, and bamboo, making them feathery soft, and light to the touch. The wool used in the Luxe Collection is the vicuña wool sourced from the Peruvian Andes and is the most sought-after wool in the world. It is absorbent, soft, and makes an excellent insulator. Each mattress has a 30-year warranty. 


The Heaven and Heaven Luxury Toppers are filled with British fleece wool and soft needled wool, encased in contrasting ticking for ultimate comfort. The Heaven Luxury Supreme is an upgrade with its South American horsetail filling. Pair these toppers with your Vispring mattress for the ultimate rest. 

How to Take Care of Your Mattress

Posted August 3rd, 2021 in Luxury Beds, Vi-Spring, Vispring Masterpiece, ViSpring mattresses by coreyconsulting

Our mattresses provide us comfort and support every night, making them the single most important piece of furniture in our homes. Though mattresses typically last a while, properly caring for them will extend their lifespan and help you sleep well for years to come. Maintaining a hand stitched mattress is not as difficult as it may seem.


First things first, you want to invest in a good mattress pad. It is a protective seal that covers your mattress, preventing dust, allergens, and stains from building up. While any type of cover can help you protect your bed, invest in a waterproof one just in case any spills happen. It will make cleanup much easier. Along the lines of allergens, make sure you vacuum the mattress in three-month increments. It will prevent allergens and even dust mites from collecting.


Make sure you rotate your bed every six months. Over time, mattresses settle, compromising the internal structure. It may be nice to have it feel settled to the same sleeping position you love every night, but it can lose its shape, causing you to lose your support. Of course, if you invest in a luxury mattress like the Vispring Masterpiece Superb mattress, you will face this problem much less often.


Do not jump on your bed. A lot of children love to do this, especially to wake mom and dad up in the mornings, but it can put too much weight onto one spot in the mattress and potentially permanently damage it.


Do not bend or fold your mattress, and do not drag it either. It may cause the material inside to become displaced. You want to make sure that your mattress stays in one static spot as much as possible to keep its supportive structure.

Hastens Reveals New Furniture Collection This Month

Posted July 28th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Hastens, Hästens Herlewing by coreyconsulting

Swedish mattress expert, Hastens, has just revealed a new line of furniture, designed by Bernadotte & Kylberg. The inaugural collection, the first of its kind for Hastens, features beaches and nightstands that pair perfectly with their luxury mattress, made with their own graphic intarsia motifs. Hastens has been known worldwide for its top-of-the-line beds but is making its way into bedroom furniture.


The collection was made in collaboration with Tre Sekel, a furniture workshop, taking inspiration from Hasten’s famous white and checkered design. You can see the pattern designed on the wood, made with hand-laid ash and walnut intarsia patterns.


As for Bernadotte & Kylberg, it is their second collaboration with luxury wool mattress brand Hastens. Every piece follows Hasten’s commitment to quality throughout the entire design and manufacturing process. The bench comes with storage space covered by a soft lid and a dividing drawer that moves sideways for easy, hassle-free access. The pieces are available in ash and walnut and have immaculate attention to detail, such as lined leather pieces.


“Design is so much more than color and shape. It is also about sustainability – creating timeless products of high quality in a well-thought-out way,” says Oscar Kylberg. Bernadotte & Kylberg draw inspiration as well from what they associate with Hastens – an unwillingness to compromise on what matters most in a mattress, which is the sheer quality and detail of its makeup.


Hastens mattresses, like the Hastens Herlewing Mattresses, are available for purchase through Brickell Mattress both in-store and online. To find out more, please visit us online.

What Exactly Happens When You Sleep?

There is nothing quite like laying your head down on the pillow at night, feeling yourself drift off into another cozy night of rest. It is even better when you wake up feeling renewed and ready for the day. Sleep is an essential part of the human experience but remains quite a mystery when it comes to health science.


Here is what we know for sure:


Within minutes of falling asleep, there are significant changes in both the brain and body. Your body temperature drops, brain activity slows, along with your heart rate and respiration. Sleep scientists have narrowed down the four stages of sleeping, each lasting anywhere from 70 to 120 minutes.


In the first stage, which occurs in the first five minutes after falling asleep, all body systems are impacted by a good night’s sleep on comfortable mattresses, then transitioning into stage two, where similar things occur, but at a higher rate. It is easier to wake up at this time.


The third stage is where your body is relaxed, and the brain has the slowest activity. The third stage is the deepest part of non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Deep sleep is a key part of repairing the body and assists with memory. The final stage is the only stage of REM sleep, where your brain picks up activity, and most of the body goes through temporary paralysis, except your eyes and muscles used for breathing. This is where dreams usually happen.


Most people spend most of their sleeping time in REM, occurring more often in the later parts of the night. Each person will experience all four stages, but how long they stay in them and what changes in the body occur will depend on external factors such as activity levels and sleeping environment.


Looking for a better night of rest? Hastens mattresses are designed specifically to help you fall asleep and stay asleep all night. Try out the Hastens experience at Brickell Mattress, located in the heart of Miami on Calle Ocho.

Reasons Why Sleep Supplements May Not be Working

Posted July 12th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Mattress Brands, mattress collection, Top Mattress Brands by coreyconsulting

More than a third of American adults are not getting the sleep they need. As people continue to get insufficient sleep, sleep supplement purchases are on the rise. Maybe you have heard of ones like melatonin, or perhaps even taken one yourself. Sometimes sleep supplements are not cutting it. Here is why.


Supplements can assist in helping you get a better night’s sleep, but if you expect it to treat a significant sleep disorder or even a mild case of insomnia, chances are it will not help the way you think it should. Do not assume a sleep supplement does not work right away. You may be dealing with something a little more serious. If you notice you have had poor sleep habits for a long time, you may want to go see your doctor and talk about a treatment plan that is right for you.


Taking a sleep supplement without having a proper routine will likely render it unhelpful. A supplement is a tool that helps you fall asleep, much like top mattress brands and a luxury mattress collection. You cannot rely on any one of these things to help you fall asleep. You need a bedtime routine to allow your mind and body to wind down and get ready to sleep.


You also want to make sure that you get rid of anything that is causing you to have a poor sleep throughout the night. Maybe it is a consistent loud noise, too much caffeine in the afternoon, or alcohol before bed. Those things can make you exhausted from no sleep, even if you take a supplement. Often, those supplements help us fall asleep, not stay asleep. You want to make sure you practice good sleep hygiene and sleep routines that help with back support throughout the night.


Always get input from your doctor before starting a new supplement regime.

Are Sleep Preferences an Influence on Personality?

There is extensive research on human personality traits – what makes us tick, how we interact with one another, and what we take an interest in. A new study has added another factor in personality, and it indicates that sleep preferences could be a factor.


Sleep preference is technically known as chronotype – an individual’s natural preference for the time of day they sleep and when they feel the most alert. This is largely influenced by genetics and impacts when we go to bed, when we wake up, our appetite, and our body temperature regulation.


In a recent study conducted by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science, the results showed that a preference for morning versus evening was due in large part to genetics, along with sleep tendency. These factors were shown to indicate certain personality traits.


Those considered “night owls” were more likely to be more open-minded. “Early birds” showed more aptness to be agreeable and conscientious. The study showed that this lines up with understanding and complying with societal obligations. Night owls had a harder time adjusting to societal normalities, like a schedule centered around an early bird world.


The study also showed a higher link for night owls to a lower score in self-control, meaning substance dependence was a higher likely outcome than their morning-inclined counterparts. Societal pressures, like families, jobs, and competing schedules, could be one of the greatest causes of this trait.


Whether you are a morning or night person, one thing is for sure – getting enough sleep is essential. Sleeping on a luxury bed can make all the difference. The ViSpring Signatory Superb mattress is one of the best beds on the market for perfecting the art of sleep. Visit Brickell Mattress in-store or online to speak with one of our mattress experts on getting the perfect bed for you.

Hastens Lands Feature in Luxury Magazine

Posted June 22nd, 2021 in Hastens, Hästens Vividus by coreyconsulting

In the 2021 edition of the Braman Motor Cars Palm Beach Magazine, luxury mattress brand Hastens received a key feature. On page 53, you will find an installment of their latest ad, “Embracing Chaos.”


Sleeping in a Hastens mattress is like being awake for the first time in your life. It is an eye-opening experience that leads you to truly know the value of sleep. These mattresses are made with the perfect combination of natural materials and craftsmanship. You will feel the difference immediately after sleeping on a Hastens Vividus filled with high-quality springs, wood fibers, cotton, flax, and wooden joints for the entire day. Sleep is better with Hastens because it leaves you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for anything life puts in your path.


The feature was published in the Braman MotorCars Palm Beach Magazine, published by MMC Media International, LTD., a bespoke publishing company that has been working with luxury brands for over 30 years. Their work includes publications for brands such as Bently and Ferrari and other luxury car dealerships across the United States, Russia, Europe, and UAE.


All MMC Media magazines are printed on silk paper, working in partnership with world-class photographers, journalists, writers, and translators to deliver luxury on every page.


To purchase a Hastens mattress, visit Brickell Mattress, located in the heart of Miami at 1030 SW 8th Street. We are open seven days a week and have a 24/7 call-in sleep expert (call 305.912.3648). Brickell Mattress offers the largest selection of luxury beds in South Florida, with opportunities for a private showing of the best Hastens has to offer. Visit us online to book your appointment.