Hästens Catalog, Download 2017 Hastens Brochure of Luxury Mattresses

Posted January 29th, 2017 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

 2017 Hästens Catalog

Brickell Mattress is Miami’s Only Source for Hästens Beds of Sweden


2017 Hastens Catalog

Click to Download


Download 2017 Brochure of Hästens Luxury Beds of Sweden. The Hastens Catalog is 193 pgs long & shows how the  World’s #1 Luxury Brand is Made. There is remarkeable details about the collection, the construction, the meticulous hand-crafted process each Hästens Bed goes through from inception to completion. Learn about the Vividus, the World’s most expensive bed and see how it takes over 300 hours to build.

Incredible Once a Year Savings Event on Now…

hastens sale on now

30% Off Select Hästens Beds    |    CALL 305.326.4000 For Details

Click Below to Download the 2017 Hastens Catalog:

2017 Hastens Catalog Full-193pgs


For ordering information, or to simply learn more, Call Brickell Mattress:


1030 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33130

Best Mattresses for BIG and TALL People, Beds for Athletes in Miami

Posted October 26th, 2015 in Uncategorized by Mattress Matters
 We’re Proud to be supporting Big People with the finest materials that are in the most popular beds today… EXCEPT Modified for use in Beds for the BIG & TALL. Our Miami Mattress Store– BRICKELL MATTRESS– is like a Mecca for hard to satisfy Sleepers! Read this informative Guide to Learn More


vispring-nude-side sleeper-alignment- RED_LINE

Perfect Alignment. Perfect Support of the Body. Incredible Comfort

“IF ARE YOU…  OVER 225 POUNDS   or  6’ 3” & TALLER…”

Less than 1% of Mattresses will Fit You


Brickell Mattress of Miami has been a world leader in Custom Matching OverSize Mattresses & Mattresses for the Heavy. First of all WE CARE… But just as important is our     Flexibility in Production, Mattresses w/  Firmness Options in Support, Access to the Materials needed by the Big & Tall, & finally a rigorous- yet holistic- training in the Science of Sleep.

99.5% of mattresses sold in stores today are made for people to fit “average” height and weight people. For years Big & Tall people, many of whom are already putting their body’s through above average stress due to their occupation or even just their sheer size, have found it nearly impossible to find a mattress that is both Comfortable and properly Supportive—offering Spinal Alignment AND Support without BOTTOMING OUT—let alone one that actually lasts!!


  • FEEL Comfortable


    Alignment & Support & Pressure Points. Same applies for all people; Sturdier materials is how we achieve perfect alignment support, and pressure relief for our Larger Customers. We Adjust FIRMNESS. WE ADJUST SIZES. BRICKELLMATTRESS.COM

  • RELIEVE Pressure Points
  • SUPPORT Spinal Alignment & Muscle Support

In a normal mattress, the comfort materials and support layers/springs give more in the heavier areas of a persons body, and less in the lighter areas, allowing the person to almost “float” in a state of “minimized pressure”. Because these beds are made for foilks that 5’6” & 160lbs, when a 6’7” 293lb man lies down, he simply falls through those layers and “bottoms out” on whatever is beneath (box spring, mattress casing, etc)…



  1. EVERY BED, ANY SIZE… So if you are tall, we can make a bed that is 90”x 94” (like we recently did for a professional basketball player), or a 10’ round mattress, or even a triangle shaped mattress with obscure curves for a boat, yacht, or RV. And we don’t screw you on price!! Why should a bed 20% Larger cost 5X as much???
  2. SPECIFICIALLY MANUFACTURE MATERIALS WITH A HEAVY PERSONS’ COMFORT & SUPPORT IN MIND… Whether it’s a higher coil Tension on SPRINGS, a thicker piece of LATEX or anything else that allows us to get the ‘Comfort/Pressure Relief/Aligned Support Equation’ Just Right, we’ll do what it takes.

  3. SCIENTIFICALLY FIT OUR CLIENTS to a Mattress…. Using things like a BMI chart and actually seeing how their spine is aligned, back and shoulders are supported, and testing for desired comfort allows us to recommend the ideal bed for your Comfort Desires, Pressure Relief Needs, & your Support Needs– Improving Long-term Health by making sure you spend a 1/3 of your life in the best possible position of support. See our VISPRING Beds in Miami



            ULTRA-LUXURY OPTIONS EXCEED $20,000.00

Unfortunately discrimination laws don’t apply to what products retail stores carry. So what has happened is that most Big and Tall folks find themselves making a compromise…. Letting their feet dangle off the end of the Bed or Enduring tremendous pressure on their hips and shoulders on an uncomfortably Firm Bed in order avoid sagging through the mattress…



Athlete Mattresses Sizes For Big & Tall Chart



  1. There’s no good solution to buying a Mattress if you’re over 250 lbs.

  2. If  you’re Obese you should buy an Extra-Firm Bed

  3.Cal-King(72”W X 84”L) is as long as mattresses are made

  4. Custom Sized Beds are priced only for the Rich and Famous

  5. Buying the Thickest Mattress(or most expensive) will Solve your problems

                           Call us to arrange an in person or over-the-phone Consultation



At Brickell Mattress, we cater to each type of individual – big, tall, small, or short. There are many concerns for large people when it comes to selecting the perfect mattress for their needs. These major concerns are support, alignment, pressure relief, and longevity of the mattress under the unique stresses provided by larger people. Our Mattress Line can be custom-adjusted to use denser foams than normal, for added support and comfort for larger individuals. Thicker comfort layers are also used to conform and cradle larger body types and adequately support a much heavier person without compromising spinal alignment or comfort. Our Select Foam HD Collection is ideal for larger individuals because it employs these very aspects, offering the best comfort and support available.

Furthermore, here at Brickell Mattress we offer the ability to custom-

design Latex Mattresses to suit every person’s needs. Latex Beds offer much more support, often times having a “bouncy” or “springy” feel. In addition, Latex Beds have the longest lifetime of any type of bed for that exact reason. Our All-Natural Organic Latex is the highest-quality, most eco-friendly latex on the market today and as a result, is also the most comfortable.

If  Latex is the route you wish to take to ensure a great night’s rest each and every night, we also offer two of the world’s most luxurious spring mattress producers Carpe Diem and Vi-Spring. BEDS MADE IN EXTRA-FIRM, FIRM, MEDIUM & SOFT “Support Layer Tension”.

For taller people, we offer our Select Foam California King, which is 84 inches in length. We also build custom-length beds up to 96 inches, and even longer if you so choose.

We have the ability to custom-fit a bed to a body type by —-the process—–. For added assurance that you will be getting the best mattress for your needs, if we do not have a production model that suits you, we will simply create a custom bed for you.

Our first and foremost concern is bettering our clients’ ability to sleep, and ultimately wakeup well-rested and ready to take on each day’s new challenges with a clearer mind and more energy. By offering both our production line mattresses and the ability to custom-build your own specific mattress, we are positive that you will rest assured that you are getting the best sleep experience possible, for the best price.


Call us at 305-326-4000

or  Contact Us Now

Electric Beds and Nighttime Fun!

Posted April 28th, 2015 in adjustable beds, From Our Sleep Experts by Mattress Matters

Electric adjustable bed in master bedroomWe have come a long way in the vibrating bed world; no longer do we have to search out a hotel on the side of the road, the one with the heart shaped bathtub, red flocked walls, curtains and bedspread. Not to mention feeling guilty because we spent a week worth of laundry quarters for an hour of fun. We can bring sweet vibrations right into our classiest, richest bedrooms through the modern adjustable beds which not only vibrate, but they raise both head and feet to create wonderful work spaces and view vistas.

If you are wondering where the best place to find a vibrating bed; Brickell Mattress is a place in Miami where there are wonderful options to choose from. Leggett and Platt, Reverie and Ergo Motion are creating the industry standards for adjustable beds by continuing to add more features as both the bed world and the digital world combine into one.

The best example of a great new adjustable bed is Leggett and Platt’s contribution of the World’s first Smart Bed with its newest offering Prodigy which features multi- mode wave and massage with head and foot adjustability all run by a wireless remote. The remote is created with an iPhone application that places the controls to your new adjustable bed frame right onto your favorite smart phone device.  What this means is you can literally run your bed, your home security, lights, locks and turn the Jacuzzi on in the pool outside without ever leaving your pillows. How cool is that?

Another wonderful feature of “beds that buzz” is that you can literally choose the mattress that works best for you as far as your health concerns. From Hypo Allergenic, pure and natural mattresses such as Carpe Diem and Vispring, (European bed manufacturers that use only the finest in materials that come from the earth), the field is wide open for comfort and personal mattress options. Nearly every bed manufacturer has a mattress line appropriate for an adjustable base. Nearly every adjustable base line has both vibrating and motion options that create healthy spaces for late night work and early morning play.

Find good vibrations and sleep experts that can guide you through all the ins and outs of both the mattresses and adjustable bed bases at Brickell Mattress located at 1030 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33129 – (305) 326-4000. Stop by and jump on… no need for quarters, the rides on us!

The Best Mattress Store in Miami

Posted April 20th, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts, Mattress Brands, Top Mattress Brands by Mattress Matters

So, how can know which store is the best mattress store in Miami?


Best of the Best: What to Look for in a Mattress Store Today, there are many varieties of mattresses out there. Each unique mattress composition offers unique benefits (while some are low quality and must be avoided). To find the best store and sales team, consider each of the items below.

  1. Selection

The best mattress store should have a good selection so that you can find your perfect bed. Some stores have only a few beds on the floor and once you come through the door they tell you the three beds they are showing are good, better and best and everything out there is the same. This just is not true. Brickell Mattress in Miami has more than 30 mattresses on their sales floor and each and everyone feels different and offers different solutions for different needs, desires and budgets.

  1. Quality

We have all seen the mattress set propped up outside a store with a $69 tag on it. This is not a bed you want to spend a third of your life on. A quality mattress is one that will last and feel just as comfortable on the 500th night as it did on the first. Look for stores that have a generous return policy and beds that have warranties against defects in materials as well as workmanship.

  1. Price

We as consumers have become so price savvy. To prevent the price comparison shoppers many mattress stores have the manufacturers “private label” the mattresses they carry. This means you could visit 5 different mattress stores, look at the same bed at each and not even know it because they all have different names. One store that does not do that is Brickell Mattress in Miami. They will honestly tell you who makes the mattresses they sell and what beds they are comparable to.

  1. Knowledgeable Staff

There is nothing worse than asking a sales person a question about a mattress on display and having them stand next to you and read off the features from the card in front of the bed. You could have done that yourself. At Brickell Mattress, each member of our sales team is a luxury Sleep Expert. They know about how sleep positions, health issues and body size affect your quality of sleep, and what kind of bed works best with each person’s individual issues.

  1. Reputation

Here is another factor that the internet has made incredibly easy for us as shoppers. You can check out a mattress store’s reputation online at sites like yelp or yahoo local. The best judge of a store’s performance is it’s past customers so find out what they experienced and avoid those places you have been warned about.

  1. Customer Support

This is about service after the sale. How fast will a store deliver your mattress? What happens if something goes wrong? Do they stand by what they sell and will they take it back if it is not all you expected?


Brickell Mattress is conveniently located at 1030 8th Street, Miami FL 33130. To learn more about our industry-leading selection of mattresses, speak with a Sleep Expert at 305-326-4000.

The Search for Real Talalay Latex in Miami

Posted April 14th, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts by Mattress Matters

Cross Section of Talalay Latex MattressSo, you have heard that Talalay Latex is wonderful to sleep on and you wonder just where in Miami you can experience this mattress. Well look no further than Brickell Mattress, where there are several types of Talalay Latex Mattresses to choose from.

Talalay latex is a liquid latex rubber base made from the sap of a rubber tree, that has been introduced into a closed mold, vacuumed of air then frozen to stabilize the cell structure in order to produce an allergen free mattress that is perfect for sleeping.

Frequently Asked Questions About Talalay Latex

Talalay Latex contains no synthetic or petroleum based fillers so it has no off gassing problems that might be unhealthy to your respiratory system. It is also hypo allergenic, anti microbial, dust mite and mildew resistant. Not only does Talalay Latex sleep cool due to the modern ventilation technology of adding holes to the mattress, it has the uncanny ability of providing comforting support while it relieves pressure points.

What kind of beds at Brickell Mattress feature Talalay latex?

Brickell Mattress features several top of the line Talalay Latex beds including the spectacular Carpe Diem, Sweden’s most popular sleep system. And now Bio Vital the newest luxury Talalay Latex bed from Seville. Both of these fine offerings are worthy of your beautiful bedroom, offering both style and exquisite comfort to your life.

How long does it take to order a Talalay mattress?

When you order a Talalay Latex Bed from our showroom, you can expect a delivery date between four and sixteen weeks depending upon the country it comes from. While Carpe Diem has offerings that are stored here in America, should you order a specialty bed, or a Bio Vital bed, it can take time to manufacture and ship from oversees. The good news is, these beds are really wonderful for up to 20 years, making them totally worth the wait.

Okay, you sold me on Talalay. Now how do I find the bed that’s right for me?

The Sleep Experts at Brickell Mattress will guide you through the process of discovery and how to find the right mattress for you. As with many mattresses, body mass index plays an important factor in your decision of firmness and which bed to buy. The right specialist will take your height versus weight and guide you to the sleep system that allow all of your body parts to be completely supported, no matter which position you choose for sleeping.

Visit a Sleep Expert, Today!

Brickell Mattress, Florida Specialty Sleep Store offering Miami’s finest selection of Talalay latex mattresses available is located at 1030 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33129.

Visit us online, or call our store to speak with a knowledgeable Sleep Expert at (305) 326-4000.

Editor’s Pick: Best Cali King Mattresses in Miami

Posted April 8th, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts by Mattress Matters

Couple Laying in Cali King Size BedDid you know that the weather affects your sleeping pattern? In fact, the warmer the weather is, the less sleep you need and the better your mood after waking up. So what is the best city to sleep in? Miami, Florida, of course!

People in Miami sleep around 7 hours a night compared to up to 10 hours in colder, dreary cities. That means if you live and sleep in Miami, you really need to make your sleeping hours count by taking time to unwind in the evening, coloring your bedroom in cool and soothing tones, and of course, invest in the best bed or mattress you can find.

A good and often overlooked option is a California King size bed. This relatively new mattress size (introduced in the 1960’s) which was created in California – that is why it is called California King, was originally designed for celebrities and athletes. Cal King beds have steadily gained popularity and this size is the perfect choice for a long or narrow room, as well as taller people.

Who Should Sleep on a Cali King?

The Cal King is longer and narrower than a regular eastern king. Cali King bed dimensions are 72” x 84” while an eastern king is76”x 80”. That means a Cal King is 4” longer and 4” skinnier.

As people get taller, these beds are become more than just a luxury. Those extra 4” of length make a huge difference to people whose feet would otherwise be hanging off the end of the bed.

A Great Mattress for Couples!

The Cali King size bed is ideal for couples who like to be close. It gives each person has 36” on their side of the bed, so you still have your own space, but you stay close enough to cuddle. This size is also a good option for an individual sleeper who likes to spread out, but find a regular king bed just too big. Cali King beds have become the choice of interior designers who look to balance out large bedrooms. Cal King mattresses are the perfect scale for the narrow sleeping quarters of a yacht

So where is the best place to get a Cal King bed in Miami? Brickell Mattress is Miami’s premier mattress store. They offer Cal King beds, Cal King Air Beds, all natural latex beds in Cal King size, and even ultra luxury beds like Carpe Diem and Vispring in Cali King size. They have something for everyone, with Cal King bed prices ranging from $1,000 to $40,000.

At Brickell Mattress you can also find split Cal King Beds, where each side of the bed is like its own separate mattress. You can even add an adjustable base that lifts you head, or feet, massages your body and plays music.

Undecided? Visit Brickell Mattress to Try a Cali King!

Not sure if the Cal King size is right for you? Visit Brickell Mattress , South Florida’s specialty sleep store at 1030 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33130, and lie down on some Cal King beds to see if it’s a good fit. As always, our Sleep Experts are available to help you find the size and feel that is just right for you.

For more information on mattresses and complimentary sleep consultations at Brickell Mattress, contact a Sleep Expert at 305-326-4000.

Find a Natural Latex Mattress Store in Miami

Posted March 28th, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts, natural latex by Mattress Matters

So… you have done your homework and want to find a Natural Latex Mattress Store in Miami, and you don’t know where to look… well wonder no more, Brickell Mattress has beds for you! And not only one bed… a variety of Natural Latex beds to choose from.


Natural Latex offers a “bouncy” and “springy” sensation, offering support while still creating a soft, inviting sleep surface.

Frequently Asked Questions About Latex Mattresses


Natural Latex is made from the rubber tree and is manufactured in two different processes: Dunlop and Talalay. The Talalay process is the more modern method where rubber is poured into a mold and then “flash frozen” so that all the particles are held in place. Talalay latex provides a consistency of comfort and can be manufactured in soft, medium and firm textures. While there are actually two kinds of latex, Dunlop and Talalay, the only natural latex you’ll find at Brickell Mattress is Talalay. We simply believe in the quality of the product.


In reality, every choice of bed is as personal as the person buying the bed. While there are many fine product lines out there, Brickell Mattress customers who purchase natural mattresses are often the same people who buy organic at the grocery store. They simply believe sleeping on a mattress where all materials are made “of the earth” is worth the extra expense that it costs to have a labor intensive, hand crafted product in the bedroom.


Health Benefits of Natural Latex usually has the factor of the pure organic cotton and wool covers added in. Not only is the latex processed from trees, the casing that surrounds the latex is also designed to be hypo-allergenic, which increases health benefits to the consumer who needs pure, simple, natural. Studies show that only 1% of the human population is allergic to natural latex. Brickell Mattress understands this philosophy and need, and makes sure the sleep expert on the floor knows the right questions to ask to help you find the perfect bed.


Absolutely! In fact Brickell Mattress is delighted to announce its newest Natural Latex Luxury line, a bed by Seville’s renowned designers called “BioVital by Victorio & Lucchino”! With the highest standards of quality and natural composition, BioVital’s Rest System comes in several glorious models of headboards and frames, made with embossed leather, reflecting the personality and superb creativity of the designers. In addition, floral motifs inlaid in silver tones and carved in the leather indicate originality of design, showing off the distinctive Victorio & Luccino’s stamp.


Aside from the Seville’s amazing Bio-Vital, Brickell Mattress also carries Carpe Diem, a highly successful sleep system that has taken the northern European country of Sweden by storm since 1995. Simple, clean lines dressed with natural latex, pure organic cotton and wool, are what enhances this elegant, comfortable product line.


Brickell Mattress location is 1030 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33130. Phone: 305-326-4000

Finding the right bed takes time, and the knowledgeable sleep experts at Brickell Mattress are available 7 days a week to answer questions and help you find the perfect bed for you and your sleep needs. Make an appointment, or simply stop by… “leave the rest to us!”

Sleep Clean: Is It Time for an Organic Mattress?

Posted March 21st, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts, Uncategorized, Vi-Spring by Mattress Matters

Sleep Clean: Organic Cotton from Natural MattressThe first thing that usually sends thinking people who care about their health running to the “organic mattress store” is the realization that most beds are soaked in flame retardant. For 99% of the beds out there, such a chemical treatment is necessary – beds have to meet certain fire safety standards, and the cheapest and best way to get synthetic petroleum based foams and highly flammable polyester fabrics, fillers and other junk to meet those standards is to cover them with poison chemical fire retardant.

If you are one of the enlightened and have made the decision to sleep organic, here is a checklist to help you compare organic mattresses and choose the one that is right for you.

Things to Consider When ‘Going Organic’

  1. Get the facts straight. There is a lot of misinformation out there and you should be aware that a mattress can be called “organic” as long as it has some organic material in it. For example, a mattress may contain organic cotton as a filler, and be advertised as an organic mattress, even if there is glue and polyurethane foam inside and a have a toxic acrylic, rayon or nylon fabric covering the entire thing.
  2. Make a list of known organic mattress materials so that when you are making comparisons, the process of elimination will be as simple as crossing off those beds that have anything else inside. Look for things like: organic wool, organic cotton, organic bamboo, organic steel, or special coir fiber which is made of shredded coconut shells. Organic wool is especially important because in its natural, untreated form, it is naturally fire resistant, antimicrobial, anti-allergen, dust mite and bed bug resistant. Equally important, it is supremely comfortable.
  3. One important note about organic latex. If you are considering a natural latex mattress, make sure it is 100% from organic non-chemically treated rubber trees. However, there is no mattress company making a 100% organic latex bed. It is not possible to whip sap from the rubber tree and produce a natural foam. There must be at least some additives.
  4. Last, just like food, if you have never heard of it, it is probably not good for you. Take mattresses with things like polyurethane foam, formaldehyde, boric acid, antimony, melamine, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers off of your natural organic mattress comparison list.

Brands That Use Organic Materials in Mattresses

We have done the research and here is our short list of acceptable organic mattresses.

  1. Hastens: Renowned Swedish mattress masters Hästens make each one of their mattresses by hand using natural materials like horsehair, flax, wool, steel and pine.
  2. Savvy Rest: Organic mattresses made in Virginia with natural latex, organic cotton and organic wool.
  3. White Lotus: A great source for healthy bedding, including natural latex mattresses, organic wool and cotton mattresses, all handmade in the US
  4. The Wool Bed Company: Natural wool mattresses, hand-made, free-form, include only material raised or grown on farmland in the USA, without any wood, metal, foam or latex.
  5. Woodstock Organic Mattress: Handmade in the USA of 100% natural materials like organic cotton, wool, horsehair, and 98% pure latex. No polyester, polyurethane foam, or other harmful chemicals are used.
  6. Editors Pick! Vispring: Hand made in England with natural materials including Shetland wool, organic cotton, and Austrian horsetail. Learn more about Vispring at Brickell Mattress in Miami.

So, Time to Go Organic?

Natural and Organic mattresses are much more comfortable than synthetic. This how people used to sleep, on top of all natural farm raised goodness, and it is still the best. You can experience the luxurious comfort of all natural organic mattresses at Brickell Mattress, South Florida’s Specialty Sleep Store.

Call. Speak with a Sleep Expert about the best organic materials for your new bed and mattress. Give us a call at 305-326-4000.

Appointments. In the Brickell/ Miami area? Drop by! We welcome walk-ins, and we welcome readers to contact Brickell Mattress online to schedule an appointment with a Sleep Expert.

Misinformation in the Ultra-Luxury Mattress Industry

Posted March 4th, 2015 in From Our Sleep Experts, Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

Misinformation in the Ultra-Luxury Mattress IndustryWhen it comes to high-end mattresses, there are few real companies that produce quality mattresses, and many imitators that produce lesser quality knockoff products. These imitators tend to cut corners in production of their mattresses to save money, cutting out many of the processes in which make an Ultra-Luxury bed different from the everyday Sealy or Serta mattresses you can find in your department store. Here we will talk about what makes an Ultra-Luxury bed Ultra-Luxury, and which bed makers are actually legitimate.

The very essence of what it means to be Ultra-Luxury lies in the production, the quality, the design, and the materials used in a product. In the mattress industry, an Ultra-Luxury bed should be handmade of the highest quality, from the finest natural materials, all incorporated into a refined design. If a bed is to be considered among the top tier elite of all mattresses, it should be absolutely incomparable to any cheap mattress that was machine made from synthetic materials. The care and quality craftsmanship, and the finest natural materials that go into Ultra-Luxury beds are what make them so special, what set them apart from the Sealys and the Sertas.

Two companies that stand above the rest when it comes to the Ultra-Luxury elite are the bed makers Carpe Diem of Sweden and Vispring or Great Britain. These European bed makers both have an extremely rich heritage of bed making founded on the tradition of meticulous handmade craftsmanship in each and every bed. This heritage is often sought after by imitators who often make false claims to create the image of a long bed making tradition.

For example, the Swedish bed company Hästens has many times claimed that they have been in business since 1866. However, what they always lack to mention is that they were in the business of saddle making until they learned how to make a mattress from Vispring after Vispring had been in business for many years. Carpe Diem and Vispring both have refined their designs to be some of the most comfortable beds in the world, and both do it through the use of natural materials.

You will find organic cotton, 100% natural wool, and 1000% natural latex in a Carpe Diem, and a whole variety of exotic and luxurious natural materials in a Vispring, making these companies some of the most natural bed makers in the world. Others claim to use natural materials, but in reality these imitators use a fraction of natural materials in their beds, and then turn around and call their products 100% natural. There is truly no genuine nature to their claims, and they will claim whatever they need to claim to paint themselves as standing on the same level as Carpe Diem or Vispring.

For a real Ultra-Luxury sleeping experience, trust in a bed from the real luxury bed makers of Carpe Diem and Vispring. For more information on these beds go to www.brickellmattress.com or call 305-326-4000 to talk to a sleep expert, ready to assist you on your real Ultra-Luxury mattress experience. Avoid the imitators and choose real luxury, call today.

Brickell Mattress Featured in South Florida Luxury Guide

Posted February 23rd, 2015 in Carpe Diem, From Our Sleep Experts, Vi-Spring by Mattress Matters

Brickell Mattress Featured in South Florida Luxury GuideBrickell Mattress has been featured in South Florida Luxury Guide, a prestigious publication known to cater toward the exquisite tastes of the Sunshine State’s most fashionable residents. It is a great honor to be featured alongside so many of the world’s most upscale brands and businesses, and we are pleased to share the article here on the Brickell Mattress Blog! To read the full article, click on the image below.

Step into the Brickell Mattress showroom, and you will feel the hustle and bustle of busy Miami slowly fade away. Our gallery-inspired storefront presents each mattress as it might be found in your home, making it easier to judge comfort, quality, and desirability. Come in, lie down, and enjoy complimentary WiFi while trying latex, and our new Couture Collection. Sleep Experts are available to provide complimentary sleep consultation, product demonstrations, and much more.

South Florida Luxury Guide Teaser for Brickell Mattress

Best of the Best

The spotlight of the South Florida Luxury Guide article is undoubtedly Vispring, Britain’s most famous ultra luxury bed maker. Founded in 1901 by the inventor of the innerspring mattress, James Marshall, Vispring represents more than a century of exceptional bespoke beds and mattress craftsmanship.

The use of 100% certified organic materials is one of the biggest selling points of Vispring mattresses, with customers being drawn to the cashmere, alpaca, and horsetail hair fills. Others choose Vispring to indulge in a brand that has a rich history of unparalleled luxury— a brand whose lavish mattresses donned the First Class cabins of the Titanic in 1912.

Seize the Day

Also featured in the South Florida Luxury Guide article is Carpe Diem, an ultra luxury bed and mattress brand that hails from Sweden. The company’s eco-friendly materials and sustainable manufacturing process resonates with lux customers who actively look for ways to make smarter purchases that improve both personal and environmental health.

Every day is an adventure— will you be ready? That message is at the core of every Carpe Diem, and each bed is manufactured with high quality materials designed to improve sleep, health, and overall quality of life. An interior designer’s dream come true, Carpe Diem features a variety of beds that are as beautiful as they are comfortable. Sharp aesthetics, adjustable bases, and customizable finishing touches give each Carpe Diem a look that is both unique and commanding.

Experience the Couture Collection at Brickell Mattress

At Brickell Mattress, our team of Sleep Experts specializes in helping customers find the ideal sleep solution for more restful nights that drive more fulfilling days. Shop the Couture Collection, and find a mattress that will be customized according to your height, weight, support needs, and sleep position preference. Our mattress showroom is conveniently located at 1030 SW 8th St., just outside of Miami’s Brickell Financial District.

To reserve a sleep consultation or product demonstration, contact a Sleep Expert at 305-326-4000.