The Evolution of the Luxury Mattress

Posted September 25th, 2014 in adjustable beds, air bed, Luxury Beds, waterbeds by Mattress Matters

luxury mattress

When we purchase a luxury mattress, we don’t think of how it will intertwine with our lives enough to be part of our history. It could be the first item you purchase to begin furnishing your new home or the first big purchase you consider with your significant other. Mattresses have played an important role in our history, but they wouldn’t have gotten there without its own history.

The History of the Luxury Mattress

Most people don’t know how long mattresses have been in existence. Its history begins in 3600 B.C. and since then the design of the luxury mattress has changed significantly.

3600 B.C. Persians made the first water beds out of goatskins and filled them with water.

3400 B.C. Egyptians slept on palm boughs piled in the corners of their homes.

200 B.C. Romans slept on bags of cloth stuffed with reeds, hay, or wool. The wealthy usually slept on feather stuffing which could be considered the first luxury mattresses.

1400s Mattresses were made out of pea shucks, straw or sometimes feathers, stuffed into coarse ticks, and covered with velvets, brocades or silks.

1500-1700 Mattresses were stuffed with straw or down feathers and placed on top of a bed consisting of a timber frame with the support of rope or leather.

Early 18th century Mattresses are filled with cotton or wool

Mid 18th century: Mattress covers are made of quality linen or cotton. The mattress box is shaped or bordered with fillings of natural fibers, such as coconut fiber, cotton, wool, and horsehair. The mattress is buttoned to fasten the stuffing to the cover and the edges are stitched.

Late 19th century: The box spring mattress is invented.

1930s: Innerspring mattresses and upholstered foundations become popular along with artificial fillers. Enclosed coil spring mattresses also have their springs sewn into linked fabrics.

1950s: Foam rubber mattresses and pillows become available for purchase.

1960s: The waterbed is introduced and becomes a popular luxury mattress choice alongside adjustable beds.

1980s: Air mattresses composed of vulcanized rubber or vinyl are introduced.

2000′s: Multitudes of sleeping options and features become available. From air to water luxury mattresses, there is a type to fit everyone’s needs. That’s where we come in!

Get Your Luxury Mattress Today!

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of mattresses from innerspring, water and latex luxury available on the market today. Having been in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know which type of mattress will fit your lifestyle. We are here to satisfy your need for quality sleep with our quality mattresses. Contact us today for a sleep consultation!

Improve Your Sleep Position and Rest Well

Posted September 17th, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

sleep position

As we all know sleep is a fundamental part of our lives, but did you know that your sleep position impacts your overall rest? Your sleep position can be the source of certain issues, for instance, lack of energy in the morning, aches and pains, snoring and even wrinkles. Research has shown that on your back is the best sleep position because it helps avoid neck and back pain, reduces acid reflux and minimizes wrinkles.

Time to Start Sleeping on Your Back

Sleeping on your back aligns the neck and spine to ensure that there are no extra curves in your back while sleeping on your luxury mattress. The worst sleep position is lying on your stomach. This is because it can produce snoring and put pressure on your joints and muscles, irritating nerves that can lead to pain and numbness.

sleep positions

What Your Sleep Position Says About You

Interestingly, sleep positions can indicate your personality type in addition to determining how well you’ll sleep. Professor Chris Idzkowski has studied six of the most common sleep positions and has concluded that each position (fetus, log, yearner, soldier, freefall and starfish) is linked to a specific type of personality.

• Fetus (curled up with your knees to your chest) – This sleep position suggests that you are tough-skinned, sensitive at heart, emotional, and shy at first but develop a comfort zone rather quickly.

• Log (on your side with your hands against your side)– This sleep position suggests that you are a social and easygoing person, very trusting of strangers and sometimes gullible.

• Yearner (on your side with arms stretched out in front of you) – This sleep position suggests that you have an open nature, tend to be suspicious and are slow to make up your mind.

• Soldier (on your back with your hands against your side) – This sleep position suggests that you are sometimes quiet and reserved, and tend to set high standards for yourself and others.

• Freefall (on your stomach with arms sprawled out on pillow) – This sleep position suggests that you are outgoing and brash, but also fearless and thin-skinned. You are not fond of criticism or extreme situations.

• Starfish (on your back with arms sprawled out on pillow) – This sleep position suggests you are good at making friends, are an excellent listener, offer help when necessary and don’t like to be the center of attention.

We spend most of our time sleeping in one of these positions. Whether it’s the best or the worst sleep position, a luxury mattress can be sure to give you that good night’s rest you’ve been waiting for!

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water and latex mattresses available on the market today. Having been in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know that getting a good night’s sleep is important. We are here to satisfy your need for quality sleep with our quality mattresses. Contact us today for a sleep consultation!

Select a Carpe Diem as your Next Mattress

Posted September 9th, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

Carpe diem is a Latin aphorism translated as “seize the day”. With our Carpe Diem mattresses we want you to seize the night! At Brickell Mattress, we know how important a good night’s sleep is, and that’s why we provide only the best luxury mattresses, like the Carpe Diem.

The Founding of Carpe Diem Beds

Carpe Diem Beds was founded by a chiropractor named Börje Thuleskär. His goal was to establish a luxury mattress that alleviated pressure points, offered customized support and reduced motion transfer better than an ordinary mattress. The process of finding the right configuration of materials, pressure mapping and comfort testing took over two years to complete. Once finished, they patented their techniques and quickly became the highest rating bed in Sweden.

Within a Carpe Diem

This specific brand of luxury mattress is upholstered with natural materials, such as New Zealand wool and organic cotton, and has an adopted design by Pelle Vävare. These materials keep the bed breathable and cool to sleep on. In addition, the Scandinavian and European Union environmental certifications – SWAN and Oeko Tex – have certified that these beds contain no harmful materials and that the environment is not harmed by their production.

Where Can You Find a Carpe Diem?

The popularity of the beds has grown to almost every European country and it has made its way to the U.S. From the beginning, Carpe Diem Beds has focused on providing the correct level of support while relieving pressure points and Brickell Mattress is continuing their mission here in South Florida.

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water, and latex mattresses available on the market today. Having been in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know what you’re looking for when selecting a mattress. We are here to satisfy your need for quality sleep with our quality mattresses. Contact us today for a sleep consultation!

Why is a Good Night’s Sleep so Important?

Posted September 3rd, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

The importance of a full night of sleep is often underestimated

Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is important, but not everyone knows the specifics as to why. Sleeping well improves your mood, increases mental clarity and aids in weight loss. Most adults usually tend to sleep 63 percent of the recommended eight hours and don’t receive the maximum benefits of a full night’s rest.

Sleep Boosts Brainpower

During the REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, your brain works to solve problems by boosting creative thinking— most likely by establishing new communication pathways in the brain. Ultimately, a good night’s sleep will allow your brain to think peacefully.

Sleep Improves Performance

A good night’s sleep doesn’t just provide you with a clear head and better focus; it also is essential in terms of performance. A study was conducted on basketball players at Stanford University that concluded that a good night’s sleep improved speed and free throw accuracy, reaction time off the starting blocks and kick strokes by .51 seconds.

Sleep Aids Weight Loss

Did you know that going to bed early could help you control your appetite? Those who go to bed later tend to eat more calories after 8 p.m. than those who went to be earlier. This is because when you’re tired, ghrelin (the hormone that regulates hunger) rises while leptin (the hormone that regulates satiety) decreases.

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water, and latex mattresses available on the market today. Having been in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know what you’re looking for when selecting a mattress. We are here to satisfy your need for quality sleep with our quality mattresses. Contact us today for a sleep consultation!

Get Better Sleep

Posted August 28th, 2014 in Uncategorized by Mattress Matters

With the fast pace lifestyle that many of us lead, there’s one thing we never seem to get enough of…. sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in our overall well-being, so we definitely pay the price when we don’t get enough. Here are some tips on how to get better sleep.

  1. Set your bedtime, and stick to it

Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, holidays and days off. Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle and helps promote better sleep at night.

bed time

  1. Create a bedtime ritual

Do the same things each night to tell your body it’s time to wind down. Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so spend the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading. Relaxing habits can promote better sleep by easing the transition between wakefulness and drowsiness.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality, as long as you don’t work out too close to bedtime. A post-workout burst of energy can keep you awake. Aim to finish any vigorous exercise 3 to 4 hours before you hit the hay.


  1. Avoid Napping

Power napping may help get you through the day, but if you find that you can’t fall asleep at bedtime, eliminating even short catnaps may help you doze off later on.

  1. Get Comfortable

Design your sleep environment to provide the conditions you need for sleep. Your bedroom should be a cool temperature, and should also be free from any noise that might disturb your sleep. Finally, your bedroom should be free from any light. Make sure your mattress is comfortable and supportive. The one you have been using for years may have exceeded its life expectancy – about 9 or 10 years for most quality mattresses.









Sleep Your Best All Year Round

Posted August 14th, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

Getting a good night’s sleep is a win in itself but sleeping well year round is an accomplishment. With a luxury mattress it makes it all the more easier and possible to achieve it, however it isn’t the only determinant of how well you sleep.

As seasons change, so does the weather. Depending on how it is outside, your sleeping habits may need a little assistance adjusting to help you sleep better at night. Here are some tips, for each season, to help you sleep your best and feel great all year.


To get back into the routine after an eventful summer, it’s time to prepare for the rest of the year. Fall is a great time of year to analyze not only your sleeping arrangements but your potential guests as well. Is it time to buy or replace your luxury mattress?


Winter is the coldest season of the year and the goal is to keep as warm as possible. You can purchase a Chilipad and heat up your bed all winter long. With a luxury mattress and the right luxury bedding accessories you can sleep great any time of the year, especially in winter.


Spring is the time of year for deep cleaning. Eliminating any dust or debris will alleviate your allergies and keep you from experiencing a sleepless night. One thing to consider is purchasing a mattress pad to protect that mattress from any stains, dust mites and other debris.


Summer, unlike winter, is the warmest time of the year. However, similar to winter, purchasing a Chilipad can cool your bed during those hot, summer nights (you can even alter the temperature for each side of the bed).

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water, and latex mattresses available on the market today. After being in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know what you’re looking for in a mattress. We are here to fill your need for quality sleep. Contact us for a sleep consultation today.

Three Tips on How to Care for Your Luxury Mattress

Posted August 13th, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

Once you have purchased your luxury mattress, you will want to ensure that it stays in the best condition possible! Below are three, simple mattress care tips and three resulting benefits to help you prolong the life of your luxury mattress:

  1. If you select to sleep on a King or Queen sized mattress, your bed frame must have a center leg to support the middle.
  1. We recommend that your mattress be rotated once a year to ensure balance and long-term sustainability, starting with an initial rotation after six months.
  1. If your mattress becomes soiled, we recommend that you use a small amount of antibacterial soap and a warm damp sponge to clean it.

In following these three tips, you will enjoy the following benefits maintaining your luxury mattress has to offer:

  1. Our luxury mattresses will mold and contour to your body shape and sleeping positions while relaxing pressure points usually experienced on inexpensive beds.
  1. Luxury mattresses have more cushioning than inexpensive beds. The extra cushioning allows for maximum performance and balanced support.
  1. Our luxury mattresses are designed to last for more than the average of 8 to 10 years with normal usage – it will last longer if maintained!

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water and latex mattresses available on the market today. After being in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know what you’re looking for and what’s important to you when selecting a mattress. We are here to satisfy your need for quality sleep with our quality mattresses. Contact us today for a sleep consultation!

Is It Time For a New Luxury Mattress

Posted August 13th, 2014 in Uncategorized by Mattress Matters

could-you-have-a-sleep-disorderIt is no surprise that sleep plays an important roll in your overall health, but it may be a bit astonishing to find out how critical your mattress is in this equation.  To put it in simple turns, sleeping on a bad mattress is like trying to scuba dive without the right equipment. In a 2011 poll, by the National Sleep Foundation over 90 percent of people said a comfortable mattress is important to a good night’s sleep.

By now, I’m sure we’ve heard all the benefits of getting a good nights rest from, weight loss, to a longer life span. What most people aren’t aware of are the negative effects of sleeping on a low quality mattress.

Not only is sleeping on a low quality mattress uncomfortable, but studies have shown that sleeping on a bad mattress effects stress levels, allergies, and mood. That doesn’t even include the negative effects it can have on your back.  Here are some signs that you might be ready for a new luxury mattress. If you are no longer sleeping like you used to it may time for a new mattress, especially of you’re sleeping better away from home.  You don’t need to wait for the springs to start popping out to know that its time to move on.  Dust mites feed on the dead skin cells you shed, and a whole host of them can be found in and on your bed. As many as 20 million Americans are allergic to the dust mites, so if your allergies are acting up more than usual it may be time to upgrade to a luxury mattress. Another key sign that its time to part ways is if you’re experiencing worrying, racing thoughts, nervousness, etc. before bed. These symptoms maybe related to sleep quality and maybe signs that you need a new mattress.

The most important thing to remember is when it comes to your health; sleep is not something you can sacrifice. So when choosing your new luxury mattress, remember you can’t truly put a price tag on good sleep.

Choosing your Luxury Mattress in Miami: Innerspring, Latex, or Air Mattress?

Posted July 28th, 2014 in air bed, natural latex by Mattress Matters

Picking the right mattress can be a challenge. We can make choosing a luxury mattress in Miami a breeze for you! First things first, here’s the difference between your basic mattress categories:


Innerspring mattresses are the most widely used. They support you with coil springs and each coil is individually enclosed. Additionally, a wide variety of materials are added for extra comfort. Spring-based mattresses can be comfortable for almost anyone, regardless of whether your preference is a soft or firm mattress.

Pros: There are a wide variety of mattresses to choose from. They range in firmness, the fluffiness of the pillow top, and in price to fit nearly every preference and price range.

Cons: There’s no direct relationship in most cases between price and comfort. If there aren’t enough springs and cushions to offer you proper support you’ll likely wake up with an aching back.


Latex mattresses are made from either natural or synthetic rubber, and are known for providing firm, bouncy support that is uniform throughout the bed. Either a latex mattress or latex mattress topper is great for relieving back pain because they offer the best combination of comfort and support.

Pros: Latex is popular because it is firm and supportive, while still providing comfort. Unlike the mattresses, however, latex pushes back, ultimately providing more support.

Cons: If you don’t like the feel of a firm mattress, latex is probably not the right choice for you.


Higher-end air beds look like a standard innerspring mattress, but use air-filled chambers instead of coils, and are covered by a foam layer on top. Air beds have been used for patients with spinal cord injuries who are lying in bed for a long time. These beds are particularly useful when sleeping partners have different needs. If one person has a bad back, one side can be made firmer than the other to provide greater support.


Pros: The firmness of each side of the bed can be altered. If your preference is firm, but your partner enjoys soft, these beds can be adjusted to keep you both happy.

Cons: Sometimes people fail to make their air bed firm enough and wake up with backaches. Less sophisticated air mattresses also pop up on one side when you sit on the opposite end.

If you have any other questions, or need help finding the perfect luxury mattress for you, contact us at Brickell Mattress!


Ergonomic Guidelines for Sleeping Soundly on Your Luxury Mattress

Posted July 21st, 2014 in Luxury Beds by Mattress Matters

luxury mattress miami

In Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale The Princess and the Pea, one of the morals is: the quality of what you sleep on matters just as much as the quality of your sleep. In fact, when sleeping, our body is compressed by gravity in a different way than when we’re standing. We need to be fully supported by the luxury mattress and its supporting structures. Therefore, the luxury mattress has been called an “anti-gravity machine” that makes it achievable to maintain the natural contour of the spine when sleeping.

We spend around one-third of our life lying on mattresses and about half of all Americans experience occasional sleep difficulties. Despite these known facts, there has been little scientific study about mattress design. A poor mattress design can produce insufficient body support, which could cause muscle discomfort and back pain. So what features indicate a good mattress? Does the firmness or softness matter? Is a mattress even that important?

Recent Mattress Study

In a recent study of mattress ergonomics, researchers had 12 female participants lie on an incompressible wooden surface and on various other mattresses to compare their comfort levels. All of the mattresses were judged as significantly more comfortable than the wooden surface, however there were no significant differences between mattress types. Measures of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle body contact pressures showed few significant differences and no significant associations between measures and the comfort ratings.

A study on sleep quality and bed firmness indicated that 4 of 9 male subjects slept significantly better on a softer mattress, while 2 slept better on a firmer mattresses. The greatest distinction in sleep quality occurred when changing from the subject’s own mattress to one of the test mattresses. The researchers concluded that it may take several days to adapt to a new sleep surface.

Guidelines for Selecting a Mattress

What should you look for in a mattress? Brickell Mattress provides some guidelines for choosing your mattress.

Mattress Selection:

    • Designed to conform to the spine’s natural curves and to keep the spine in alignment when lying down.
    • Designed to allocate pressure evenly across the body to help circulation, decrease body movement and enhance sleep quality.
    • Designed to reduce the transfer of movement from one sleeping partner to the other.
    • Designed with perimeter edge support.

Keep in mind that you’ll spend around 24 years of your life sleeping, so take the time to choose the best sleep system (i.e., mattress, support structure, pillows, and sheets) to will improve your sleep and your quality of life.

At Brickell Mattress, we offer the finest selection of innerspring, water and latex mattresses available on the market today. After being in the bedding industry for over 8 years, we know what you’re looking for in a mattress. We are here to fill your need for quality sleep, contact us today for a sleep consultation.