Working during the day can prove to be exhausting in of itself, but if you find yourself working late into the night or getting up before the sun does, you may develop what is known as Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD). While most people work a normal 8 am to 5 pm schedule, a large portion of Americans do not – this can be in a large number of expressions, such as the medical field. The pandemic has changed working hours, so many find themselves working more unconventional hours than before, which can harm your sleep health.
SWSD disrupts your circadian rhythm, causing excessive sleepiness at work or insomnia when trying to sleep. Of course, having a cozy sleep environment may help – try a wool mattress, like the Vispring Sublime Superb, to transform your bedroom into a sleep oasis.
Ultimately, with unconventional work schedules, it can combat the body’s natural internal clock, misaligning your body’s signals to sleep.
It is estimated that SWSD causes its sufferers to lose one to four hours of sleep per night, leading to sleep deprivation that can decrease cognitive performance while increasing the risk of injury/accidents. Common symptoms include:
Trouble falling or staying asleep.
Short amounts of sleep.
Trouble concentrating.
Excessive tiredness.
General lack of energy.
Poor mood.
There can be health risks associated with SWSD, so if you feel that it may be to blame for your lack of sleep, see a doctor for a personalized treatment option. Many will suggest
melatonin supplements or sleeping pills.
If you schedule a sleep session with one of our sleep experts in Miami or Las Vegas, you will most likely be recommended one of our holistic organic mattresses from the VISPRING collection to help improve your sleep and quality of life without taking sleep supplements. Call us today and schedule a free sleep experience with the guidance or our sleep experts.”